PIATS06 Jackson etc.

BZF 25: Bookcover
BZF 25: One of 16 coloured plates

Band 25: Roger R. Jackson and Matthew T. Kapstein (Editors): Mahāmudrā and the bKa´-brgyud Tradition [PIATS 2006: Proceedings of the Eleventh Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies. Königswinter 2006], 2011, 498 pages, 98,50 Euro. ISBN: 978-3-03809-112-7


Table of Contents

Contributers XV

List of Illustrations VII

Preface XI

I. Facets of Mahāmudrā

Roger R. Jackson: The Study Of Mahāmudrā In The West: A Brief Historical Overview 3

Lara Braitstein: The Extraordinary Path: Saraha´s Adamantine Songs and the Bka´ brgyud Great Seal 55

Klaus Dieter Mathes: The Collection of ‚Indian Mahāmudrā Works‘ (phyag chen rgya gzhung) Compiled by the Seventh Karma pa Chos grags rgya mtsho 89

II. Traditions of Meditation and Yoga

Ulrich Timme Kragh: Prolegomenon to the Six Doctrines of Nā ro pa: Authority and Tradition 131

Marta Sernesi: The Aural Transmission of Samvara: An Introduction to Neglected Sources for the Study of the Early Bka´ brgyud 179

Jan-Ulrich Sobisch: Guru-Devotion in the Bka´ brgyud pa Tradition: The Single Means to Realisation 211

III: Contributions of the Successive Karma pas

Matthew T. Kapstein: The Doctrine of Eternal Heaven: A Tibetan Defence of Mongol Imperial Religion 259

Anne Burchardi: The Role of Rang rig in the Pramāna-based Gzhan stong of the Seventh Karmapa 317

Jim Rheingans: The Eigth Karmapa’s Answer to Gling drung pa 345

Karl Debreczeny: Tibetan Interest in Chinese Visual Modes: The Foundation of the Tenth Karmapa’s ‚Chinese-style Thang ka Painting‘ 387 

IV: The Life and Legacy of Gtsang smyon Heruka

Stefan Larson: What Do the Childhood and Early Life of Gtsang myon Heruka Tell Us about His Bka‘ brgyud Affiliation? 425

Kurtis R. Schaeffer: The Printing Projects of Gtsang smyon Heruka and His Disciples 453


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